do this you need to continually monitor your business results in a consistent
and accurate way. With cash basis
accounting revenues are booked when you get paid, and expenses are recorded
when they are paid. When accrual basis
accounting is used the revenues are booked when you earn them and expenses are
matched to the period in which the benefit is derived.
the cash basis is the easiest to implement, it is really just a check register
for the most part. This basis of
accounting provides very distorted and misleading information. For example if you provide consulting
services and you receive payment at the end of the project. As the project progresses costs are recorded
and revenue is not, then at the end of the engagement an invoice is prepared
and sent to the client. Under cash basis
the revenue will be recorded when the invoice is paid. Therefore the business would look like it is
not doing well during the months where the work is done and then will look unrealistically
good in the month the revenue is recorded because it is not matched with the
costs. Not only does not matching the
expenses with the derived benefit give the business owner a false picture of
the business results it gives potential lenders or investors a false
an owner is packaging the business to potential lenders demonstrating a good
understanding of the business is very important. Being able to understand trends and explain
them will be an indication to the lender that your business is credit
worthy. With cash basis financials it
becomes very difficult to understand, explain and predict business trends which
make it harder to run your business and get good results.
basis accounting is more expensive, because it requires business accounting
software and a person capable of using it.
The expense is worth it because it will help the business owner plan and
overt cash shortages, keep costs under control because over spending is more
visible, and will make it easier to obtain terms with vendors and banks. Getting
favorable terms with vendors and banks can save a company a lot of money. If using credit cards is the only way a
business has to get financing the cost of this will be much more costly than
with vendor terms or a bank line. Also,
when an owner demonstrates a strong business acumen and understanding of the
business demonstrated by good accrual based financial statements a bank lending
officer would rightly consider that business less risky thereby getting more
favorable loan terms.
your goal as a business owner is to grow your business in the most profitable way
possible, it should make sense that it is a sound decision to invest in accrual
based accounting from the start. Being
able to display an accurate picture of your business on a consistent ongoing
basis not only provides the information necessary to run your business better
but also improves the cost of obtaining the cash flow necessary to grow your
business cost effectively.
e-Bookkeeping provides affordable virtual accounting department services. If you have questions about these services contact Diane Perusse @877-292-9684 ext 3, or