Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cost Reduction - Part 3

Know your costs

In order to cut costs strategically you must first know your costs. You must be able to see what your costs have been over time and hopefully have a plan for the future.

Knowing your costs is sometimes easier said then done, often the overworked business has not implemented the systems necessary to know their costs and plan them strategically. Quite often small business owner/managers busy themselves trying to hire, train and retain capable bookkeeping staff, rather than analyzing their costs and the strategic effects of these expenditures on the business. If you need help implementing systems to track and maintain your costs, while cutting your costs and freeing up your time to strategically understand your costs CLICK HERE.

Know Where You're Going

Once you have implemented a cost tracking system and you have freed up your time to strategically plan for your company you need to create your plan. Strategy demands that you express clearly the results you intend to achieve. Two things are important here: a) Have the end result in mind before you start, and b) For clarity, quantify that end result.

Strategy needs to be articulated into quantifiable results. With respect to cost reduction, ask yourself what level of profitability are you aiming for? Write it down and refer to it often.

Cost reduction is only a means by which you can increase profits. Cost reduction is not the end result you want; increasing profits is. So don't lose sight of this important distinction. It can have a major impact on the effectiveness of your strategy.

Finally, you must thoroughly understand the ramifications of your decisions, before you make them. It is difficult when you are a busy small business owner to take the time to strategically plan for your company, but it is a step that is imperative to your long-term success. This is the work that keeps you in business; it is planning and organizing the steps you need to take; it includes clearly defining, measuring, and tracking your results. It is precisely this planning that will help you get the result you want increase profits and insure your business success.

In the future installations of this series (coming soon), we'll take a look at some of the tactical steps you can take once you've determined your overall strategy. Stay tuned!

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